Two Women Laughing While Preparing A Meal In A Kitchen

Weight Management with Lipedema

The goal of weight management with lipedema is to improve your overall well-being and fitness instead of losing weight with diets.

Healthy and balanced nutrition is vital to your overall well-being. Most diets intend to lose weight in a short time and fail in the end. In many cases, this even results in gaining weight instead of losing it (called "yo-yo effect") and must be avoided.

A lot of lipedema patients are overweight. Although lipedema itself is not necessarily progressive, overweight can make your lipedema worse. There are conservative (non-surgical) and surgical ways for weight management with lipedema.

Conservative (non-surgical) weight management

Balanced nutrition, together with regular exercise, are the key elements of conservative weight management. Lipedema experts created a weight management concept for lipedema patients. Here are the most important points:

Surgical weight management

Bariatric surgery is an option for weight management in patients with severe obesity. It is recommended in patients with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of more than 40 kg/m² and may be an option for patients with a BMI between 35 to 40 kg/m². There are different types of bariatric surgeries, but all imply changes to your digestive system. One example is to reduce your stomach's size and thus the amount of food you can eat.

Learn more about bariatric surgery