Compression socks for travelling

Compression Wear for Traveling

Reducing the risk of blood clotting while traveling

When you're looking forward to your vacation and a well-earned break, the last thing you want is to develop venous thrombosis while traveling! Unfortunately, this is a risk because sitting for a long time while traveling by plane, car, train, or bus can put a real strain on your legs.  Travel times of over four hours are a struggle for your veins, and now that long-distance trips are increasingly more frequent these days, it’s important to take preventative measures.

Fortunately, compression stockings for travel can help reduce swelling in the legs and improve blood flow.  Traveling usually means sitting in a confined space with little movement, accompanied by water loss due to the low cabin pressure and low humidity in planes.  This is a challenge for your veins, since such conditions can slow down the blood flow and lead to circulation problems, blood clots, and deep vein thrombosis  (DVT).  This can quickly become a serious danger to your health: If left untreated, it can in some cases lead to pulmonary embolism (PE), a heart attack, or a stroke.
If you know you will be traveling for a long time, you should get yourself a pair of compression stockings for travel, such as JOBST Travel Socks .  If you want to arrive at your destination feeling healthy and refreshed, then compression stockings are one of the best ways to help prevent blood clots from traveling.


Counteracting deep vein thrombosis on flights

Blood clots and travel often go together, unfortunately, but there are ways to reduce the risk of travel-related thrombosis
from occurring.  For long-distance travelers, it’s vital to drink plenty of water – especially on a plane – and to get up and walk around whenever possible.  Choosing an aisle seat on a plane, for example, lets you easily get up and stretch your legs.  
If traveling by car, include as many stops along the way where you can move around outside.  You can also exercise your
calf muscles when sitting, such as moving your feet up and down and making circular patterns.  These work particularly well to counteract blood clots due to traveling on long flights.

If you’re already at risk of DVT, compression stockings for travel help lessen the strain on your legs and support your veins.  
You can take a pair of JOBST Travel Socks on every long-distance journey, as they can be worn just like normal socks; they
also come in different colors and compression stocking classes.